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The Winter 2023 VHT Pathfinder Newsletter is now available

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12/21/23 The newest Newsletter is available. It and past issues are available from the Newsletter link in the Media section.

Green are Educational walks and meet at 2:00pm

Note: Please check the message line at 585-234-8226 for details and last minute updates. Also, if you join https://www.meetup.com/ Victor-HikingTrails-Meetup, you will get notifications of hikes, other events, reminders and last minute changes if you are signed up for a hike or event.

All hikes meet at Victor Town Hall rear parking lot, 85 East Main Street, at 9:00 AM unless otherwise noted. Most hikes are relatively easy and take 2-3 hours. Always bring a snack and something to drink. Dress for the weather. We rarely cancel due to inclement weather.

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