VHT Home
Victor Hiking Trails Inc.
VHT Info
Your membership dollars help fund the creation, improvement, and maintenance of our 70+ mile system of trails, bridges, boardwalks, benches and signs, providing a wide variety of outdoor recreational and educational opportunities for Victor and the surrounding communities.

Your membership dollars help fund the creation, improvement, and maintenance of our 70+ mile system of trails, bridges, boardwalks, benches and signs, providing a wide variety of outdoor recreational and educational opportunities for Victor and the surrounding communities.



We the People:

Involved in Victor Hiking Trails are kindred spirits. People who care about the land on which they live. People who enjoy nature in all its bounty. People who want to improve their town and leave something that will add value to our lives. People like you. We welcome you among us. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Victor Town Hall at 85 East Main Street. Meetings are informal and everyone is welcome. Please try to join us, you can get to know us better. We have regularly scheduled work parties for clearing and maintaining the trail system. Please see the calendar.


are people who:


See the Calendar of Activities

Saturday Hikes

Usually on the second Saturday of each month we gather at 9:00 AM for a 2 to 3 hour hike, for local hikes; bring lunch for more distant destinations. Each June we sponsor a family hike in Victor on National Trails Day, and include a light breakfast and pizza lunch. For the location of future hikes watch the newsletter, or see VHT's On-line Calendar. Please join us.... it's a great way to meet the members. Here is the list of past and future hike destinations. And here the map

How You Can Help