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Auburn-Lehigh part of Eastern Divide Trail

VHT's Auburn and Lehigh Trails are now disgnated as (a small) part of a 5,950-mile long bikepacking trail from Newfoundland to Key West by BikePacking.com.

Eastern Divide Trail

The roughly 5,950-mile Eastern Divide Trail (EDT) is the longest contiguous off-road-centric bikepacking route in the world. It runs from Cape Spear, Newfoundland, the easternmost point in North America, to Key West, Florida, the end of the road going south. The EDT follows as much of the St. Lawrence and Eastern Continental Divides as possible without compromising a focus on quality off-pavement riding and connecting the most incredible sights, landmarks, and landscapes in the eastern mountains. The route winds its way through dozens of national and state forests, numerous ecozones, and countless places of Indigenous, geographical, and historical significance.

We are part of their Segment 4, Trillium, from Vermont to Pennsylvania.




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