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New Mower Update

Our drive to purchase a new "Billy Goat" mower was a full success. A big THANK YOU to all who contributed.

It has been purchased and delivered. A few modifications have been made to VHT's specifications. These included replacing the brand new tires! From experience(!) we know that using puncture proof tires saves a lot of time -- some punctures occur way out on the trail -- and money in the long run.

New Mower

It is now in service with our volunteers on the trails several times a week where you just might see it in action. Even better, join our other volunteers in using it -- or other tools -- in maintaing our trails.

You will be able to see it up close at our annual National Trails Day® celebration, on June 1st at the Victor Parks and Recreation building in Lehigh Crossing Business Park, off Wangum Rd.


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