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Hike at Fishers Park and More 3/9

Our next monthly FREE hike will be on Saturday, March 9th. Meet at the Fishers Park pickleball parking lot on Wangum Road in Fishers at 9:00 AM.

The hike will be about five miles long and should take about two hours. It will cover the trails in Fishers Park, some of the Lehigh Valley Trail and a section of the Auburn Trail. Some of the trails are hilly and some are flat. Dress for the weather and bring something to drink to stay hydrated.

Please sign up on our Meetup page. There is no fee.

After the hike join the group for food, drinks and social time at a local restaurant.

See the Map.

Check the website www.victorhikingtrails.org, Facebook, Meetup or the voice message line, 585-234-8226, for additional details.


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