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Hike at Ontario County Park 10/14

On Saturday, October 14th, Victor Hiking Trails will lead a 5-mile hike at Ontario County Park. The hike will be at a moderate pace through wooded and open meadow trails, including many hills. Dress for the weather, wear good hiking boots and bring water to stay hydrated.

Meet at Victor Town Hall rear parking lot, 85 East Main Street, at 9:00 A.M. to carpool to the trailhead. Or meet at the Jumpoff parking lot at Ontario County Park, 6475 Gannett Hill Park Road, Naples, NY 14512 at 9:40 A.M.

After the hike join the group for food, drinks and social time at a local restaurant.

See the Map.

Check the website www.victorhikingtrails.org, Facebook, Meetup or the voice message line, 585-234-8226, for additional details.


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