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Victor Hiking Trails Inc.
Updated: xxx

Trail Condition Report Map

We have experienced a couple of storms over the last few weeks. These have resulted in some trees down on the over 65-miles of trails we now have in the Town of Victor. After the first one, volunteers checked every section of each trail and found a few trees needing clearing. They were taken care of. Then the second storm hit.

We are asking you, as users of the trails, to report any problems you find. We ask this as standard operating procedure, and especially after storms.

Whenever you spot a problem with our trails, please let us know. Any of these work:

As a special after the storm, please for the next week, until Monday 11/6, we ask you to also report "clear" trail sections to the special address

Please include what trail, the start & end points you walked, and its condition.

The map showing which sections have been checked as clear (green highlighted), currently closed due to hunting (red X'ed), and reported with a problem (yellow highlighted)

Full Screen Map

Thank you for your ongoing support, interest in our trails, and helping all of us to keep them the finest trail system in the area!


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