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Victor Hiking Trails Inc.

Preliminary: NOT yet approved



JANUARY, 18  2024


PARTICIPANTS: Dave Wright, Lisa Roberts, Ruth Rugaber, Chauncy Young, Scott Reinhart, Barb Starr, Tanner Ritz, Eden Romano (non-member-guest)

Meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Dave

Discussion was facilitated by Lisa

Meeting informally timed for length of each item on agenda.  Using slightly revised agenda to consolidate some closely related topics and reduce redundancy.

MINUTES: Motion to approve the 12/21/23 BOD minutes by Chauncy, seconded by Dave, approved with 2 clerical corrections.

MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes of 1/11/24 Annual Meeting Review of Goals by Dave, seconded by Lisa, approved


Bank balances:

Checking  $17,032.27

Savings $1,024.83

PayPal $0.00

Total   $18,057.10

Bills paid: 

Credit card: $ 1,707.74 -- Storage Unit 6 month rental, folding table for new space, Neck Gaiters,Trail Boss, Holiday decorations, Fuel, chamber meeting

Frontier message line: $22.77 

Chauncy Young $26 Trail boss trail work supplies

Notable Donations:

Larry & Carole Fisher $1000, Mower 

Karen Junker $1000, Mower 

Eric Eagan/Trails Roc $1500, Mower  

New Energy Works $700, Mower

Mimi Lodge $300 

Town of Victor $1303, Storage Unit

Donation Boxes $ 0.00 Maple Ave.

                           $ 22.45 Old Dutch

                           $ 0.00 Fishers

Misc. Donations:  $339 neck gaiters, $127 Mower fund

Ad Revenue: $100 Key to Rentals

Other Notes:

Total raised to date: Neck Gaiters $424 plus Mower Fund $5350 total $5910.

In 2023 Advertising, Donations, Grants & Membership all brought $12k over budget however we spent much of that surplus.

Reports attached

Victor Hiking Trails, Inc.

Profit Loss Prev Year Comparison

January - December 2023


Update on active projects

Tom's Pro Bike is going to provide a bike repair stand for the Fisher's kiosk area.  Parks & Rec will install the stand.  Expect to receive the stand around the end of January. There may be other areas to consider for additional stands.

The signs for the Fishers and Victor kiosks are expected to arrive around med-February. VHT volunteers may assist P&R with installation. Lisa will be setting up a meeting to choose photos for those two kiosks in February 

Trail Master Report January 18, 2024  Scott Reinhart

> Creating vibrant PUBLIC PLACES that improve open spaces, parks and access to other amenities

> Delivering a range of TRANSPORTATION and MOBILITY OPTIONS that increase connectivity, walkability, bikeability and access to public and private transit.

Applications are due March 6, 2024

January 31, 2pm - Optional Q&A Webinar

December 15 - projects must be completed.

Discussion  following TM report at  BOD mtg

  1. Suggestions or requests needed for tasks and dates for student volunteering (fill their community service requirement).  Specific tasks, hand tools only, time frame, must have supervision (VHT).  Trails inventory, hardening spots (shoveling gravel for fill), blazing, etc.

  2. Purchasing electric powered equipment will be pursued. Dave & Chauncy to follow up. Contact current users in VHT or other groups, prices, pros and cons.  Would need to decide by April.

  3. Benches have many options, there are requests for covered benches (shelter).  Current standard benches about $400, covers add to cost. Sub committee with Scott and ?Lisa? to explore.

Publicity, Newsletter, & Next Monthly Hike

Info for next newsletter due by 3/14. 

Next hike:  March 11th – Fishers Park and Domine Trails

LAST MONTHLY HIKE:  11 hikers attended last (warm but wet) 5-6 mile hike at White Brook Nature Area, Perinton

A new video has been posted on VHT website

VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: Paul Knerr, not at meeting

Mendon Ponds Park Winterfest Saturday, 1/27/24 11 am - 3:00 pm

Paul will set up VHT at fest

TRAIL BOSS: Chauncy Young

Several trees across trails after severe weather

Beaver are present and active near some trails (Apple Farm, Lehigh)

Still moving some items to storage shed; need more shelving

Current rent deal changes in May, might need another storage area

Mailing of over 200 Thank you notes to property owners

Neck gators have sold well but no need to order more at present

Think about other items for fundraising


Held on 2nd Saturday of each month

Feb – Mendon Ponds, ski at Quaker Pond

March – Fishers Park

April - Ganondagan

 2024 MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL WALKS (All are from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted) Jeff Miller – VHT Education Coordinator education@victorhikingtrails.org

Walks also listed on Meetup and VHT Newsletter with details

January 2024  Sunday 1/28/24  Bonna Terra Farms / 2460 Cox Rd, Bloomfield, NY

February 2024  need to confirm details

March 2024  Sunday 3/31/24  Oxbow and Hart’s Woods

April 2024  SATURDAY 4/27/24  Invasive Species

May 2024  Sunday 5/26/24  Bird Watching

June 2024  Sunday 6/30/24   Muller Field Station

July 2024 Sunday 7/28/24  Geology and Historic Iron Mining

August 2024 Sunday 8/25/24 Lakefront Tour Canandaigua 

September 2024 Sunday  9/29/24  New York Museum of Transportation Rush

October 2024  Sunday 10/27/24  Mushrooms and Fungi  Zurich Bog

November 2024 SATURDAY  11/23/24 Tom’s Pro Bike Shop

December 2024  Sunday 12/15/24 – UNCONFIRMED – CONTACT IN 2024

(Plan B: Sonnenberg Gardens)

Lamberton Conservatory Noelle Nagel


Master Trails Plan 

West corner of Victor beginning work on where future trails will be, to be available to developers before projects begin


Some changes will be recommended and reviewed at next meeting

Need to translate volunteer hours to hourly rate: data entry, trail work etc

The session for public comment is Wed Jan 31st from 6-8pm at the Penfield Community Center at 1995 Baird Rd.


The next regular meeting will be on Thursday, February, 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at Victor Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at  6:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Starr